Tag: realty

'2015 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers: A Brief Review

National Association of REALTORS (NAR) conducts an annual survey of homebuyers and sellers. "2015 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers" is the most recent version available this month.

'Disaster-proof Homes: Know How to Build an 'Earthbag'

Earthbags are really economical to build. These type of shelters are reportedly "indestructible" in terms of withstanding the threats of nature such as floods and earthquakes.

'7 Things to Consider in Owning a Dog

Dogs are a man's best friend and many can't resist how cuddly these pets are but sometimes they too could be a little bit of handful when they start living in our homes. If you're planning to adopt a dog, try to look at these tips so that you will be ready on what to keep off reach and what measures you can do to prevent some disasters.
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