With the help of wallpapers, you can transform a dull space into a special one. But just like any other thing in the world, wallpapers also need maintenance to last. Wallpapers keep your area looking cheery and vibrant, and simple maintenance can keep it that way for a long time. Here are some of the do's and don'ts when caring for your wallpapers.
When cleaning, the wiping direction should be from bottom to top and in the vertical seams' direction. This will protect the baseboard from streaking.
Use a dry cloth to wipe off dry dust and dirt particles.
If there are smudge stains around the light switches, you can spot clean it by wiping off your fingertips.
Use a clean damp cloth to remove stubborn dirt and stains.
Work in one section at a time and let it dry before working on the next part.
Remove dirt and stains as soon as possible.
Abrasive cleaners may ruin the surface of the wallpapers, so avoid using them when cleaning wallpapers.
Avoid using abrasive cleaning materials.
Avoid using chemical-based cleaning ingredients, solvent-based cleaning agents, nail polish removers, and lacquer thinners.
Do not use products containing bleach because it damages the finish and print of the wallpaper.
Avoid using hard scrubbers on the wallpaper as it may disfigure and ruin the surfaces.
Do not over-wet the wallpapers and keep water from soaking into its seams.
Wallpapers are easy to maintain. Use the given basic care tips above to keep your wallpaper pristine and long-lasting.
If you are looking for nice-looking and quality wallpapers, here are some wallpapers you can buy online.
White Gray Wood Paper from Abyssal Store

This self-adhesive peel and stick wallpaper can be easily installed. All you need to do is to place it on a clean and smooth surface. The contact paper should lie flat and stay flat when in use. It can be used on vinyl, glass, wall, lacquered, kitchen counter, dressing table drawers, bookcases, bedside table, crafts, and natural stone.
Decorative Self-Adhesive Vinyl Film Wood Grain Wallpaper from Art3d Store

This decorative Self-Adhesive Vinyl Film Wood Grain Wallpaper from Art3d Store is made from premium quality contact paper. It is waterproof and oil proof. Installation is quick and straightforward. You just peel the back part and stick it to the clean and smooth surface. It can easily be removed without living sticky residue. This wallpaper is best applied to the kitchen counter, dresser drawer, furniture, bedside table, wall, door, and bookcase.
Moroccan Stacked Stone Wallpaper from Arthouse

This wallpaper will give your space the Mediterranean vibe. One roll of this Moroccan stacked stone wallpaper covers 58 square feet and is unpasted. It's the best use for indoor garden walls and walls in the pool area. If you want a living room with a Mediterranean wall, the Moroccan stacked stone wallpaper is the best option for you, especially if you are on a budget.
Wallpapers can magically change the standard look of our office, school, rooms, home, and a lot more. Proper wallpaper care and essential wallpaper maintenance is the key to beautiful looking walls that can last a decade.
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