While some houses do not have attics, those with one have extra storage space. On the negative side, attics are considerably challenging to clean.
The thing to remember about attics is that they are, by nature, confined places. They tend to have little to no air, ventilation, and sunlight, making them conducive to the growth of various allergens and irritants.
Here are some important tips on how to properly clean your attic.
1. Use protective equipment
Wear a mask, safety glasses, and gloves before even entering the attic. This is especially important if you have some form of allergy. But even if you don't, having the appropriate kind of protective gear is important.
2. Collect all the needed tools and supplies
Gather all your tools in one place so it would be easy to carry them up to the attic. It will make the task more manageable when you avoid wasting time going up and down the attic because a small item has been forgotten.
Some of the things you would need are a broom, a dustpan, and trash bags, among others. If your attic is dark, bring a lamp or a powerful flashlight to illuminate the surroundings.
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3. Remove the things in the attic
Do this so that cleaning becomes easier and faster. Take out all the boxes and bags and pieces of furniture from the attic. If some items cannot be carried down because moving them is difficult, you can improvise by pushing all of them into one corner.
Once a clear space has been made, you can begin working in that area. When it's clean, you can then move the items back there so you can work on other areas.
4. Remove dust with an organized method
The rule of thumb is to clean the dust from the highest surface, working down. To illustrate, you can begin cleaning the light bulb, then the ceiling fan blades, if any, then the walls and then the window frames.
The idea is to start at the top and gradually go down to avoid making things dirty again. You can do this using a duster, but if you prefer using cloths, bring some replacements when the first one becomes too dirty.
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5. Clean the floor with a broom
A broom and a dustpan are crucial in this regard. Sweeping the floor clears away not only dust but dirt and other small pieces of clutter as well.
It is highly recommended that you clean the floor further by using a vacuum cleaner. Here is a tip when vacuuming: empty the vacuum bag as often as possible so the dirt will not accumulate. This enables the vacuum to take in more dust, thus cleaning the floor in a very thorough manner.
6. Wash the screens and windows glasses
A glass window needs to be cleaned in both its inner and outer panes. A commercial glass cleaner will help bring a new shine into the glass. If your attic window has a screen to keep away insects, wash the screen, too.
Keep in mind that a screen can also filter a lot of dust and pollen, so a good washing is needed to remove those. You can use a water spray and household ammonia with a simple piece of cloth or a brush.
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7. Organize all the items in the attic
This means sorting things and choosing which ones to give away or throw away, and putting the rest in appropriate holders, such as documents in a fireproof box or small items in plastic containers.
Note that if you think this task is too much, you always have the option of calling in professional cleaners.
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