Tag: Interior design

'Interior Design Tips: 7 Decorating Myths Busted

There are no strict rules when it comes to decorating, so forget about any "rule" you thought you knew about interior designing.

'Scandinavian Interior Home Design: The Best Inspiration For Urban Homes

Scandanavian designs have inspired interior home designing for decades due to its simplicity, its functionality and how the structures of the Normandic-inspired furniture exude natural style into a home set for comfortability. These attributes make of the perfect home interior design structure perfect for the urban life.

'How To Have Extra Storage Space Without Creating Another Closet

Discovering home space ideas is essential nowadays, especially when the season turns from summer to fall. The extra storage tips will not only save you more space in your home, but rid you of the hassle of having to create a new closet just for the task.
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