Reporter: David Thompson

Luxury home, Upscale, Architecture image

'When Should You Consider Buying a New Construction Home?

But are these homes the right choice for you? Despite their mass appeal, they don't suit everybody and are certainly more appealing to individuals, couples, and families with specific needs. So, let's look at those needs and help you make an informed decision regarding your next home.
S.H.A.R.E. Community Development Corp (SCDC)

'It’s Never Been Easier To Invest In Multifamily Real Estate

Multifamily rental units are the future of real estate investment, and with the help of a new groundbreaking development company, you can build the real estate portfolio of your dreams.
Hana Cha

'From Aspiring Journalist to Real Estate Dynamo: How Hana Cha Became an Industry Icon

In the high-stakes arena of real estate, Hana Cha's story isn't just a tale of determination; it's a saga of grit, hustle, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her journey from an aspiring young woman to becoming a leading force in the real estate development industry is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Today, we take you behind the scenes of the extraordinary life and accomplishments of Hana Cha, a trailblazing icon who not only dismantled industry stereotypes but also conjured a trifecta of game-changing innovations that are completely reshaping the face of the real estate landscape.
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