Reporter: David Thompson

Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

'7 Terms Every Aspiring Real Estate Investor Should Know

The good news is this industry has some standard terms everyone uses, from the novice to the successful investor. Once you know them, you can put that information to use and find your path in the world of real estate. So consider seven terms you need to understand if you aspire to build your fortune in real estate.
Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

'Understanding the Importance of Tech Literacy

Simple tech literacy might involve being able to use the internet. But profound tech literacy involves feeling confident accessing, using, understanding and managing advanced technological tools, including emerging technologies. It is this latter form of tech literacy that we're primarily discussing today.
Photo by cottonbro studio

'Your Guide to Tech Literacy & Why It's Important

If you're not careful, modern technology can shape you in unexpected ways. However, tech-literate people can harness modern technology and use it to their benefit. Let's check out a few ways tech-savvy people use devices to empower themselves and get ahead rather than get moulded by them.
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