rental tips

Housing Costs Help Keep Inflation Running Hot

Do You Have To Pay Rent When Your Home Is Affected by a Natural Disaster?

If your rental has been damaged by a natural disaster, you may wonder if you're still required to pay your rent. Here's an answer to your question.
New York apartment

Renter Tips: 5 Apartment Move-in Specials To Capitalize on This 2024

If you're looking to move into a new apartment, here are some promotions to be on the lookout for in 2024.
Study Shows Renting Is Now Cheaper Than Monthly Cost Of Owning A Home In Bay Area

Renting 101: What Repairs Are Tenants Responsible For?

There are several obligations tenants are expected to fulfill when renting a home. Here are several.
Rents In The U.S. Fall For Third Month In A Row

5 Top Renting Tips for First-Time Tenants: What You Need to Know

Renting your first home can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming, especially if you are unfamiliar with the terms and conditions. Here are five top renting tips to get you started on your rental journey.
Unpacked boxes in middle of room

Things To Take Note When Getting a New Rental Property

There are many things to consider when it comes to moving into a new rental property. But what exactly are those things that you should look out for?
What is a guarantor and when will you need one?

What Is a Rent Guarantor and When Will You Need One?

Ideally, a potential tenant should have a good rental and credit history and is financially stable to have a good chance of getting the landlord’s approval. However, if the applicant does not meet any of these general requirements, a rent guarantor may help seal the deal.

Renting Tips: Common Rental Scams & How to Avoid Them

Here are some of the most common rental scams and you can also learn how to avoid them. Many people are becoming victims of rental scams as the rental market continues to rise in many big cities.

How to Rent a Home Even with Bad Credit

If you thought only homeowners were required to pull out their credit scores, then you have got it all wrong. Most landlords nowadays are also doing credit checks on their potential renters in order to find out if the person has the capacity to pay the rent in time. What should you do if you have bad credit? Can you still rent a home?

3 Mistakes Home Renters Should Avoid

Majority of people prefer renting than owning a home because it usually entails less responsibilities on the part of the tenant. However, there are still some mistakes that renters sometimes make, which could end up to them losing hundreds to thousands of dollars in the end.

Things to Consider Before Becoming a Landlord

Things to consider before investing in rental properties. In places like Charlotte where the booming real estate market can drive rental rates higher, one may be inclined to invest in rental properties.

Practical Ways to Safe-Guard Your Rental Units from Horrible Tenants This 2016

For a seasoned property manager or even a newbie in the field, finding a good tenant would always be part of the list. Being a landlord, the last thing you would like to have is a tenant who has no capacity to pay his rent.

Rental Tips for Uni Students in Australia

When going down under, it would be wise to rent a place, especially if you will be staying for a long period of time. There are many ways to find rental places in Australia. If you are one of the many individuals wanting to study in Oz, there is an option to rent near Australian universities.

Attracting a Good Tenant, Proactive Property Changes This 2016 Might Be Needed

Perhaps one of the most known reason a leasing business may thrive is because of tenants. It is not just primarily about having some tenants, but it is mainly about finding good tenants in this kind of business.

Why Renting Over Owning is Preferred this 2016

For most individuals, owning a home is more than a material acquisition. Owning a property is somehow being considered as morale boost, especially if it was out of hard work. However, in today's generation, other individuals choose to rent rather than own their own house.

U.K. Housing and Planning Bill Initiated as Rented Accommodations Issues Arise

A call for a change or amendment in UK's housing and planning bill has been initiated. Amidst the looming global economic slowdown and the potential downfall of housing market in UK, there is another issue looming in the background of UK's real estate industry.

The Influence of Location in Every Real Estate Transaction

Having some good tenants for your real estate business is indeed a significant factor for better a yield. However, as a landlord, you should not solely think of the returns, but you should likewise think of the things or features that would attract tenants, especially the good ones.

Ways to Fall in Love in Renting Again While a New Home is Out of the Budget

Renters one extreme move is to settle on their own home. But are they really ready to make that huge step financially? Consider the odds first and check out the tips on how to fall in love being a renter again with these tips.

Tenant Screening: Why Landlords Conduct Background Checks Before Accepting Your Offer -- Should You be Worried?

How do you know if the background checks conducted by your landlords are reliable and safe? Tenant screening is a process conducted by landlords and property managers to evaluate if prospective tenants can fulfill the terms of the lease, and if they can take care of the property in question.

Simple Tips on How to Choose the Right Tenant

In real estate investment, there are many ways by which you may earn. And perhaps letting your place be available for rent or lease is the most convenient and easiest way of earning. However, one crucial factor that you should consider before diving into such enterprise would be the ability to choose the right tenants.

Rental Tips: Different Options for Commercial Leasing

Starting a business is definitely exciting. In line with such excitement, most of first time businessmen would start their business by buying their own commercial space. However, though the idea of owning a premise is somehow good and promising, still it would be best to try leasing first.

5 Sad Truths About Renting

As the saying goes, you can't have everything, and the same thing goes with your chosen way of dwelling. If you are currently renting, then you probably have your fair share of challenges that you need to deal with until you finally move up and own a home.
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