Tag: realestate

'Why Real Estate Market Conditions Matter

When deciding for the appropriate listing price for your house, a Comparable Market Analysis (CMA) is a helpful tool in giving you an idea of how much buyers paid for a property similar to yours. But that's not the only thing that you need to know. Apart from CMA, it is also vital to know where your home stands in the market or its attractiveness, and you can find that out by getting an overview of the neighborhood's current market conditions.

'China Real Estate Advises Investors to 'Buy Land Now Or Never'

China's provincial governments are working hard to bring in revenue, however, they seem to have taken their measures too far by leaving China real estate bears hanging on a balance, Forbes reports.

'San Diego Home Prices Up; Among Fastest 20 Large Real Estate Markets

If you are looking to buy a home in San Diego any time soon, then you might not be thrilled to find out about the recently released Standard & Poor's Case-Schiller Home Prices Indices last Tuesday, Times of San Diego reports.
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