Avoid These First-time Renovation Blunders

Giving your space a facelift is always an exciting idea. But once the actual process of renovating begins to set in, the pressure builds up and the challenge becomes unavoidable.

Especially for newbie renovators, a home improvement project can be an overwhelming venture, and if you belong to the group, there are some things you need to learn to help you ease through the process.

Here are some renovation blunders that first-time renovators like you must avoid according to Brickunderground:

Rushing through the plans

Before even beginning the project, make sure that you have all the details set and every construction specification clarified. By having a clear understanding of the processes and your desired end result, you are less likely to lose track and go out of budget. It is also essential to have effective coordination between you and other people involved in the project like the plumber, electrician, or contractor.

Picking the lowball (or lone) offer

When shopping for quotes on services, make sure to get enough quotations that will allow you to actually compare prices and make the most of the money you will spend on contractors. More often than not, when a quote seems too good to be true, that is because it probably is.

Underestimating time and expense

Whether you like it or not, the renovation will almost always take longer and cost more than what you expect. With this in mind, consider putting a cushion to your time-frame and budget.

Skipping the interior designer on a gut job

If you are even considering doing the interior designing yourself, you might be better off handing it to the experts. With the countless options out there, you could easily get overwhelmed and caught up and eventually ruin the beautiful vision you had for your space.

Staying put through the reno

The fact you are renovating is already a stressful idea to deal with, and choosing to live amidst it all is not the wisest choice to make. Avoid compounding that stress by considering doing a short-term housing while the project is ongoing. You will have better perspective while overseeing the renovation if you could recuperate and gather your thoughts somewhere far from the chaos.

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