Tag: home buying tips

'Home Buying: 7 Tips For An Accurate Price Calculation

When buying a home, there is always that threat of overpaying for a house. But just as there are challenges to landing the best deal, there are also effective strategies to get a fair price for your dream house.

'Home Buying Tips: How To Get A Low Monthly Mortgage Fee

If you're on the way to buying a new home, you're probably wondering what you can do to pay as little as possible on your mortgage each month. Mortgage payments typically take up a large portion of a family's monthly bill. It could help a lot if your mortgage bill is not as high as what most homeowners pay for. Here are some tips so you bring your mortgage payment to a minimum:

'Top Advice For Buying a Home in 2016 By Realtor

With the ever-changing house market, home buyers should be able to keep themselves abreast with the latest and tried-and-true advice on house hunting.
  • 'Home Buying And Mortgage Tips: Here Are Some Honest Advice For Home Buyers
    If you are about to venture into home buying, you're gonna need a few honest advice. Here are some of the most honest pieces of advice you're going to hear about real estate buying:
  • 'Home Buying Tips: Things You Should Not Do as First Time Buyers
    First time buyers usually committ mistakes if they are not aware of the things that they should do. Avoid these errors by following these home buying tips.
  • 'Home Buying Tips: Ways on How You Can Find that Perfect Modern Home
    One of most popular design for homes now is modern design. How can a home builder own this kind of property? Know the tips on how you can find that dream home.
  • 'Real Estate Tips: What Is DOM And How It Affects The Home's Sale
    DOM or Days On Market is the dreaded question home sellers may not want to discuss. Days on Market is a term used by listing sites referring to the number of days a certain property has been placed on the market. The metric covers the entire time the property has been put on sale to the time the property deal has been closed.
  • 'Real Estate Tips: What Is An Option Period?
    In a real estate transaction, buyers are given a specific amount of time between the creation of the contract and the finalization of the transaction. This time is typically used by buyers to inspect the property and decide whether to move forward with the sale or not. The idea behind the so called Option Period is to give the buyer a chance to assess whether he/she wants to buy the property, without actually losing the property to another competing buyer. Some desperate buyers even offer a shorter option period simply to be prioritized by sellers.
  • 'Home Buying Down Payment: How Much Down Payment You Need, And What Your Options Are
    A number of key decisions should be made when getting a home loan and the amount of down payment is one of the most crucial one. In determining the size of down payment you need to put in, there are many things to think about. As a whole, when you make a large down payment, your loan amount will be lower thus giving you a lower monthly payment. Furthermore, your down payment size will also be affected by the mortgage program you go for and your current available cash.
  • 'Real Estate Tips for Buying and Selling Your Home
    Selling one's home or investing on a new property can sometimes be a pain in the neck. Persistent patience is needed and it is important to gather and ask for advice from real estate professionals. The Style at Home website gave out tips on how to have a successful real estate deal.
  • 'Home Buying Techniques: How To Create Offers That Will Attract Sellers
    Home buying is a long process that does not end in simply finding the perfect home to buy, because after you find that home, you're gonna have to convince its seller that your offer is the best one. The offers given to your choice of property may be more than one in number so you may need to compete with the other offers. Also, even if your offer is the only one the seller has, this is still no assurance that you will get the deal. This is why creating an effective offer is a crucial thing. Here are some tips for you to do this:
  • 'Home Buying 101: Things to Check Before Closing on the Sale
    After running through an endless list of properties to choose from, you have finally found that one property that seems to fit your needs and wants in a home. While it may seem like all that’s left for you is to view the property and the contract and seal the deal, here are some things you need to check out before closing on the sale.
  • 'Home Buying: What To Pay Attention To In Purchase Agreement Contracts
    The purchase agreement contract is one of the most important documents you will get a hold of when buying a home. This contract will give you the terms, conditions, and provisions the home purchase comes with. This is why you should read it with great attention to details and at the same time with careful analysis on whether there are ambiguities or not. Any questions must then be brought up to the seller to avoid future issues.
  • 'Real Estate Home Buying Tips: Thinking Of Buying A House This 2016? Here’s What You Should Know
    Is it a good time to buy a house this 2016? If you are thinking of buying a real estate property at this time of the year, here are some buying tips that you should know.
  • 'Home Buying Tips: How To Squeeze The Seller And Get A Discounted Price
    There are three reasons why you wanna ask a seller for a discounted price - first, the original offer may be over your budget, secondly, you think the price is too high for the home, and lastly, you just like discounts. If so, here are some ways to get the seller to lower the home price:
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