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'The Flash' Season 2 Mid-Season Review: Juggling Too Many Things; Spine of the Episode Is Solid, Balance of Drama & Entertaining Levity

"The Flash" mid-season ends with episode 9. The common feedback that critics give on the finale of the first half of season 2 is that it juggles too many things.

TV Line says that there are quite a lot of things going on in "The Flash" season 2 episode 9. It is quite obvious that "Running to Stand Still" is dedicated to tie loose ends at the same time set up some plotlines. However, it is also duly noted that "spine" of the winter finale is solid. Barry Allen as scarlet speedster got to be who he is as the character or protagonist of the show.

"The Flash" is already identified not only for its simplicity and fun but also other components. It can't be denied that this TV series has its "big family moments, zany villains, and gobbledygook science stuff that probably made zero sense in the actual field of science." And, all those are pretty present in "Running to Stand Still" episode.

As for the team up of Jesse AKA The Trickster, and Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard, the expectation could be pretty high. But then, it appears like the appearance of the trio didn't live up to the expectation, as far as wreaking havoc is concerned. But their dialogues are pretty funny.

The weakest part of the "The Flash" season 2 episode 9 was "Barry's forgiveness of Harrison/Eobard and his decision to no longer allow Harrison/Eobard's message about Barry never being happy to stay with him any longer." Although, it could pass as a good plot thread, but then it seems that "that got tangled somewhere in all the cogs of this part of the season." However, it is also noted that Barry's monologue was "well-written and well acted" too. As the critic said it, "it felt like a big moment of closure that the show hadn't fully done the work for."

Forbes also shares the same sentiment with other critics, stating that "The Flash" season 2 winter finale "is juggling too many balls and the cast is getting completely out of control."

It is believed that midseason finale at the same time Christmas special of "The Flash" had accommodated too many things. Three super villains had arrived, Wally West joined the cast, Barry's issues with Harrison Wells, Barry and Patty, and so many others that involve Caitlin, Garrick, Cisco and other members of the Star Labs. Everything happened so fast for this winter finale.

IGN says that with all the drama that had been going on with "Running to Stand Still" episode. It is impressive that the writers of episode 9 had maintained the humor. The critic says that the first half of season 2 has been wrapped up with episode 9 in an "enjoyable way to cap off 2015 in Central City." The Trickster's return being paired up with Weather Wizard and Captain Cold was also a nice treat. As the critic puts it, "The episode balanced out that team-up with some good family drama and moments of entertaining levity."

How about you? What's your verdict on the winter finale of "The Flash" season 2? Write your opinions in the comment box below.

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