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‘Gotham’ Season 2 Episode 12 Spoilers: More Villains Will Rise; Dr. Freeze’s Agenda Revealed

The second part of "Gotham" Season 2 will resume on Feb. 29, 2016. Its return will reveal more villains. The ending of the midseason finale already teased the coming of Dr. Freeze.

IBTimes reports that a promotional video of "Gotham" Season 2 Episode 12 has already been released. It features Dr. Freeze, who is heading to the city and is about to wreak havoc.

It is also noted that the voice-over in the preview is Jim's. He said that "Bad guys in this town are changing. They are not playing by the old rules. I don't know how bad it's going to get. I'll face whatever is coming to me." Of course, the camera pans from frozen Gotham logo to the entire town that is already covered with snow.

Obviously, the scenario already hints the coming of Victor Fries, also known as Mr. Freeze. DC Comics lovers know that he is Batman's nemesis who uses freeze gun as his weapon. Thus, he is known for "cold or ice-themed crimes" that are happening around "Gotham" City.

Dr. Freeze is not the only one arriving in "Gotham" City. Report says that Dr. Strange will also appear in the second half of season 2. Anyone who has been reading DC Comic's Batman knows that Dr Hugo Strange is one of the super villains. This adversary of Batman is known for conducting "inhuman experiments on people."

Although, Dr. Stange had been seen in the first half of "Gotham" season 2, audience had not seen him the inhuman experiment that he did to humans. What the viewers had see were several dead "bodies being brought to his laboratory, including those of Barbara (Erin Richards) and Galavan." It is also suspected that Jerome was probably brought in the lab too.

On a different note, when Executive producer Bruno Heller had been interviewed by TVLine. He gladly explained when he was asked about Dr. Freeze's specific agenda being at "Gotham?" Heller said that the said villain "absolutely has an agenda." But he did not disclose what that was.

 According to him, the final half of "Gotham" season will narrate "the Freeze story in classic style, from its origins. What you saw there is the 'beta test. It's very early on in the story of Mr. Freeze."

What do you think about the spoilers that have been revealed concerning Dr. Freeze and Dr. Strange? Do you think the people of "Gotham" will survive when these two super villains will wreak havoc in season 2?

Gotham has frozen over. Are you ready for the winter?

Posted by Gotham on Tuesday, December 1, 2015

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