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Home Design: When is the Right Time to Replace Home Furnishings?

Investing in high-quality furniture and furnishings may be a good move when decorating a home; however, there comes a time when these pieces would also need to be replaced. Here is a guide on the right time to replace these home furnishings.

For most homeowners or renters, replacing a sofa or bed may not be critical unless the use of these items has been fully maximized. The usual thinking is that if a furniture or appliance is not broken, then it is not yet time to replace it. However, a report by House Beautiful indicates that household items have expiration dates too, similar to food items. The report listed down the average lifespan of seven most common home furnishings:


Many individuals would sometimes forego replacing a mattress unless it has become a lumpy bed. However, mattresses should be replaced every eight to 10 years as it is the average period that the bed can provide the best support and comfort. This rule applies to all types of bed, including a water bed.


The typical replacement period for pillows is after six months, especially if they are not cleaned regularly.  However, pillows can also last for a few years with proper care. To check if a pillow needs to be replaced, try the fold trick. If a pillow is folded in half and it does not automatically unfold, then it is a sign that the pillow needs to be replaced.


A sofa or couch is one of the most used furniture items in any home. It should be replaced every seven to 15 years.


The average lifespan depends on the quality of the carpet. High-quality pieces can last for 15 to 25 years, medium grade ones for five to 15 years, and least expensive apartment grade carpets will only last one to five years.

Bath Mat

Bathroom rugs need to be washed weekly and is subject to a lot of wear and tear. To keep bathrooms clean and fresh, bath mats should be replaced every one to two years.

Shower Curtain Liners

Shower liners are prone to mold and mildew, given their constant exposure to water. This should be replaced every three to 12 months.

Washer and Dryer

The average lifespan of a high-quality washer and dryer is 10 to 15 years. However, it is advisable to replace them as soon as they break down. With the influx of new technology though, some homeowners are tempted to buy a more efficient washer and dryer even before their current appliances have reached its prime.

In replacing home furnishings, some homeowners may also opt to have their favorite sofa or couch reupholstered with a new fabric to give it a new and fresher look, according to a report by The Hamilton Spectator. It can also be the best time to determine and update the design of the room by adding accent pieces such as a colorful cushion or a new paint job.

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