
‘One Piece’ Chapter 802 Spoilers and Predictions: Sanji Reveals His Real Identity as Royal Person

The prediction contest for "One Piece" Chapter 802 is on. Fans have participated in the different discussion sites that host this Japanese pirate manga series.

Movie News Guide (MNG) reports the predictions about the "One Piece" Chapter 802. Fans have generated interesting forecasting of what's to happen in the upcoming chapter. It has been noted that there's a huge number of fans who have stated why the Marines want Sanji alive. Many believe that Sanji's true identity is a prince and he comes from a very important kingdom. The question that lies now is what proof (or at least a hint) is there that Sanji comes from a noble family?

It is hard to imagine that a man like Sanji who knows how to "cook delicious meals, go head over heels for gorgeous women, and travel as a pirate" are not appropriate descriptions of a nobleman.

But this prediction is exposited by "Alpha2late17" recalling one dialogue from Sanji telling Straw Hat Pirates Sniper Ussop that he was born in the North Blue. According to Alpha2late17, the statement is an implication that "Sanji was trying to hide something about himself." There is also another hint that indirectly suggests that Sanji is a nobleman: Sanji gives himself a nickname as "Mr. Prince." The nickname is a foreshadow of his true identity. Even Swordsman Roronoa Zoro's (Pirate Hunter Zoro) in the previous chapters of "One Piece" has been name calling Sanji as "Prince of Dumbass Kingdom."

Marineford collates one of the predictions. One of the interesting prediction of "One Piece" chapter 802 is a typical arc-transition chapter.This expectation is somehow different because it is not about Sanji's background. Gobee129 says that Luffy and Law, together with Bartolomeo, are discussing what they should be doing in the near future.They would be planning how much time they should spend in the island of Zou.

Another theory from Mangayork states that the title of "One Piece" chapter 802 is "The Arrival." The website also revealed the latest scan of the manga series' chapter 802. According to the site, Sanji's identity will be revealed. Fans are anticipating that he is either a prince or a celestial dragon or even a son of the Gorosei.

How about you? What predictions and spoilers have you read about the upcoming release of "One Piece" chapter 802? Comment below.

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