Back in the day, class recitations are the only thing that makes you nervous. Just when you thought that graduating will get you out of the nerve-wracking moment, then comes home inspection day.
A home inspection is a day when a specific person would neglect all the nicest things in and outside your property and keep looking for a flaw. Kidding aside, home inspectors are only doing their job to make sure that the house is not only pleasing in the eye but also safe to live in.
According to a study by home improvement website, Porch.com, no matter how much you polish every corner of the house, 86% of the time, home inspectors will find something that needs fixing.
A home inspector's job is not to praise how beautiful your property is. He/she will evaluate all the necessary parts of the house, such as the roof, ceiling, walls, floors, windows, doors, plumbing, electrical system, heating, and airconditioning system. Depending on the verdict, the home inspection could cost around $300 to $500.
While more buyers are waiving home inspections to make their offer stand out, it is safer to have your home inspected before moving in or selling it to potential buyers.
Below are the top five home inspection issues and how you could avoid them before seeing them coming.
Roof Problems

According to Inspection Support Network, more than 19% of home inspections will have roofing issues. Home inspectors can tell if the roofing will have potential problems in the future, so they thoroughly check for possible leaks and venting problems. They will also check the roof's material condition and proper installation.
Avoid this by doing your own inspection beforehand. If you notice any problems like crack material, missing shingles, or sagging gutters, fix it ahead of time to avoid necessary negotiations during the home inspection.
Electrical Wiring
Some of the most common electrical issues uncovered during a home inspection are reversed polarity, frayed insulation, DIY wiring, over-fusing, and mismatched wiring. These problems pose a fire hazard and could be a major problem in the future.
Better hire a professional to assess the electrical condition of your home. When electrical issues are addressed before a home inspection, a full upgrade won't be necessary.

One of the most neglected parts of the house but often checked during the home inspection. More than 18 percent of inspectors uncover window problems that could hold back energy efficiency and indoor air quality. Avoid having window issues by closely looking at every window at home and apply improvement if necessary.
Drainage Issues
The drainage problem is the biggest deal-breaker during home inspections. Potential buyers could back out when they spot it as it will mean expensive repair on their part. Most of the time, clogged gutters or gutters big enough for the roof size are the culprit. Don't wait for inspectors to identify the problem; fix it ahead of time to save thousands of dollars during negotiations.
Termites of Pest Problems
Pest control is one of the easiest home repairs but could be a significant problem once overlooked until home inspection day comes. Even if you are 100% sure that your property is pest-free, it is still advisable to hire a professional to have it checked beforehand.