"Guild Wars 2" can be played without monthly fees.

"Guild Wars 2" is the best among massive multi-player online game as it offers ArenaNet's use of buy-to-play model, which allows gamers to continue playing the game without having to pay monthly fees.

ArenaNet has announced that fans can finally play "Guild Wars 2" for free. Those who are interested will just need to sign up to get a free account and then they can download the game immediately.

"Guild Wars 2" game is now accessible for everyone although there are a few restrictions applied to free accounts. Paid accounts, on the other hand, will maintain some exclusive features and benefits.

ArenaNet released an all-inclusive guide specifying the difference between the two types of account.

"Guild Wars 2" gameplay restrictions will include less playable characters as well as less bag slots. Players using free accounts will also not be able to access particular zones, at least until they unlock the required level goals. Furthermore, there will be restricted chat alternatives between paid and free players.

"Guild Wars 2" video game developer's decision was not intended to earn more from the game, but rather to develop a more extensive fan base. ArenaNet had reportedly offered the core game as free, in the hopes of attracting more players, who are expected to eventually choose to buy the latest expansion pack.

ArenaNet has also introduced "Heart of Thorns" during the PAX Prime and further announced that they will be rolling out the expansion pack two months from now. The game will be offered in three versions: a standard pack costing $50, a deluxe pack which costs $75, and an ultimate pack which will cost $100.

President of ArenaNet, Mike O'Brien, said, "This is about making the base game available for everyone to try because we believe that when people love 'Guild Wars 2' they're going to buy 'Heart of Thorns.' 'Guild Wars 2' will remain the same game it has always been."

"Guild Wars 2" expansion pack "Heart of Thorns" will be available for PC on Oct. 23.