Tag: rental tips

'5 Expert Tips on How to Become a ‘Lord of Landlords’

To become a successful landlord it would mean going beyond collecting rents and creating leasing agreements. You should learn to become not just a mere landlord but perhaps a 'lord of landlords'.

'Personalize Your Rental Without Painting

You can only do so much in a rented home as far as decorations are concerned. It's quite sad if you can't express your inner artist in your own home. But don't worry, there are ways to deal with that without the need to paint up the whole scene.

'Tricks To Save Up On Rent - How To Negotiate Effectively and When's The Best Time To Rent?

America's population of renters is increasing continuously. This is why the rental prices are driven to new heights. Almost 50% of renters in America are spending more than 30% of what they earn on housing, and one in 4 homes spends more than 50% of their income on housing.
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