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Real Estate Tips: Why You Should Buy a New House First Before Selling the Old One

It is not uncommon for home sellers to look for a new home while their homes are still listed on the market. Buying and selling homes can put someone in a hard situation with having to pay two mortgages.

Although it may be difficult to be the seller and the buyer at the same time, according to Trulia, there are still a lot of advantages in buying a new home before working on selling the old one. However, it is important to note that there are also risks involved in buying a new home before selling your old one.

Time listed some of the considerations to help homeowners decide on buying a house before selling their current one. First advantage is that the seller won't feel rushed into settling for a home unless he or she is comfortable with it. It is important to secure the new home first before one gets rid of the old home. Deciding on the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood can take a lot of time, so it is important to settle in the new home first before selling the old one.

Aside from that, if the old house is sold first, homeowners will be forced to stay in temporary homes like rentals before they can find a new place. This will just increase the cost of moving, and moving twice can be a hassle. If one buys a new home first, they will only need to move once and can save on costs.

Aside from that, buying a new home first can produce a safety net for the homeowners. They will have the opportunity to choose the buyers for the home. It will allow them to put the house under contract while looking for a better buyer for the home. 

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