Home & Design

How to Organize Your Whole House in 7 Easy Steps

Having a busy week that you can't even organize things at home? Here are organizing hacks you could try at home to clear up the mess:

Clean up grown-up's bedroom

Your adolescent's room may look dirty, messy and full of laundry. Here are ways you can fix it in one go:

- Put everything in their proper places

- Clear the clutter on the floor

Keep toiletries and grooming items in one kit

Each member of the family has their own shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, etc. These items easily fill the cabinets and drawers in the bathroom. Have a basket or bathroom caddy for each one. You can store your own bathroom caddy in the bathroom shelves or bring it to and from your room, Yahoo Real Estate recommends.

Invest on coat storage

Coats add clutter in a home when not hung properly. Invest on hall trees, coat racks and hooks and pegs to keep coats organized.

Get an umbrella stand

Keep umbrellas away by placing them in an umbrella stand. Place them on the stand standing up to avoid the ribs from getting broken. You can use a wicker or wire mesh trash baskets if you don't have the proper umbrella stand, Good Housekeeping says.

Key Holders

Hang keys in the right place to avoid the chance of losing them. It would be best to place them near the entryway so you can easily find or reach them. Buy key hangers or install a hook on the wall.

Color code files

If you have lots of paperworks and documents, organize them in colored manila file folders. Label them and put them on the color-coded folders to spot files in a snap.

Organize the cords

Cords can make a room messy as they often just lay down exposed. Keep them away by investing on flexible or rigid tubes to hide the cords. These cord organizers come in wide selection of finishes, colors and materials.


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