
Home Renovation and Relationship, Thing to Know

As a couple, an adjustment is one of the many keys to outplay any challenges in a relationship. Similar to remodelling a house, couples should also be prepared for the things that might come their way. The process of renovation does not only include a fun side, like a relationship, there would also be some bumps ahead. Remodelling or renovating a house could be disastrous for some, especially if both couples are aiming for the best. In the following article of Mitchell Parker, it highlighted some concerns regarding home remodelling for couples:

How to Remodel Your Relationship While Remodeling Your Home

A recent Houzz survey of homeowners in 10 countries - Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States - offers insight into the many perils and pitfalls couples face during building, remodeling and decorating projects.

Remodeling is like a crash course in the viability of a relationship. You find out what you and your partner are made of. Large sums of money are involved, plus ego, personal preferences, childhood dreams, high stress, forced collaboration - the list goes on. Read full article...

The truth behind home remodelling is not easy to swallow. Others might even think that emotion is irrelevant in the process. However, the data and testimonies gathered are more than enough to validate the claim. That is why before couples try to remodel or renovate their house, key elements should be considered first. As couples you should ask yourself whether you are mentally and emotionally ready for the renovation, for as mentioned there could be some inconveniences ahead. In the following article of Rev Architecture, it shared some of the important considerations to be made by the couples before proceeding:

Top 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Renovating Your Home

Am I mentally prepared for a renovation?  Often, homeowners choose to live in their home while a renovation is taking place.  While this can certainly save money, be prepared to deal with the inevitable headaches that come along with this. Read more...

In the very end of it, couples should realise that there is a single chance of achieving a truly perfect home. Like in a relationship, couples should strive to be better and sometimes accept the nearest thing to perfection, in both home and relationship.

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