Buy & Sell

The Beauty of Being Honest About the Ugly Truth of Your Property During Listing and Selling

It is said that honesty is the best policy. In any transaction that you will be making, at the very end of it, honesty will surely be more desirable. It will help you avoid problems and regrets in the end, and it will make most of the transactions smooth sailing.

In line with the concept of honesty, more and more people are becoming honest when it comes to real estate. There are now listings or even sellers that are too blunt about their property. In this particular type of real estate transaction, being transparent with the property has been the central theme. In the following article of Judy Dutton, it shed some light regarding a form of honesty in a real estate transaction:

 Is Ugly the New Beautiful When Selling a Home?

Selling a truly beautiful house is easy-but selling a mind-meltingly ugly one may be even easier. At least, that appears to be the theory behind a recent residential listing in Northridge, CA, advertised out of the gates as "Ugly home!"

This is hardly a random suicide mission, either: A small but growing number of listings around the country aren't trying to hide a home's flaws. Instead, they're letting it all hang out, flaunting it, rolling around in it, with descriptions ranging from "dirty" to "worst in the neighborhood." It's a hard anti-sell sales technique-and it seems to be gaining some unlikely traction. Read original post...

Now this approach may be intriguing for brave individuals. It would be worth a try, for results have been made with the use of this method. However, most of the population have not yet realized the lesson behind the approach. Still there are some doubts about its effectivity. But the point of this new real estate approach is, to be honest with your property and intention. This method tries to avoid overselling and beating around the bush. It is more straightforward and honest to the bones.

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