
Effective Spring Cleaning Tips that Can Leave Your Closet Clutter-free

Cleaning out your closet is one of the most challenging tasks, most especially if you tend to hoard things. It's never easy to let go of old clothes or the ones that you would seldom use with the thoughts of seeing yourself wearing it "one day" but is never going to happen.

Letting go of the things you've worked hard for to buy is never easy, especially if it was once your favorite clothing, pair of shoes, or even your old gadget. Cleaning out the closet is a struggle most especially for ladies.

As per Dr Jennifer Baumgarthner, Psy. D., one of the most effective tips when it comes to cleaning out your closet is to ask yourself a couple of questions such as,

"Pretend your closet is about to catch fire. What would you save? you'll make better decisions if you go with your gut and don't get sucked into the paralysis of analysis." 

Listed below are a few tips on how to successfully clean your closet:

Question Your Intentions

Continually ask yourself if the item you're still holding on to is something that can still be used. Try weighing your decisions and making sure you won't have second thoughts in coming up with the answer. The moment that you'll doubt your answer, let go of the items because chances are, you're never going to use it.


Does the specific clothing work well with your other garments? Make sure that the ones that you would leave are flexible enough for you to be able to come up with at least 3 garment choices.


Set your priorities straight and ask yourself if you're still going to use it. Make sure you can picture yourself wearing it. Don't save it for special occasions because you'll never get to use it. There may be times that you would buy it because it looks nice but you never had any intention of wearing it. If that happens, let it go.

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