
Bathroom Organizing Tips: Keeping the Comfort in a Cramped Bathroom

Some people would consider their bedroom as a place of comfort and relaxation. However, other individuals would likely find their bathroom as a place for relaxation, and thus calling it their comfort room.

Having a comfort room that is tight and cramped with an object may not be appealing, it may even lack the capacity to showcase comfort to most of its users. That is why in the following article of Megan Duesterhaus, she mentioned some ways or tips to change your cluttered, cramped and chaotic bathroom situation:

5 Storage Solutions for Your Rental Bathroom


Towel rods can often be missing or too small in apartment bathrooms, especially if there are several people sharing one space. To create a few easy-to-use places to hang towels and other accessories, try using hooks instead. You can easily replace a towel bar with wall-mounted hooks, or choose a set that can go over the door to make use of this out-of-the-way space. Read full post...

Aside from just adding additional storage rooms and hooks in your small bathroom. You may also add some bathroom decors that could add up to style and to the functionality of your bathroom. Aside from improving the aesthetic beauty of your bathroom, adding some functional decors may also keep your place organized. In the following article of Angie Holden, she highlighted some ways to add bathroom decor that are useful in many respects:

Unique Bathroom Décor That Is Also Useful

Start simple with items you probably already have on hand. Mason jars are a perfect example of something that may be in your kitchen. You can use them in the bathroom to organize supplies in plain view. The gorgeous shape and even color will serve as décor to your bathroom while keeping you organized. Think of other inexpensive items you might have around your home as well. You can even recycle things like cardboard boxes and tin cans into gorgeous storage with just some pretty paper. Source...

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