
Practical Ways to Manage Home Air Pollution

Air is one of the most necessary element for an individual to live. That is why we give much effort in keeping the air we breathe clean. However, there are some instances or places that the air becomes polluted or unhealthy for an individual to breathe in. And such scenario may not only happen outside your home but also in the inside. Saleyha Ahsan of The Guardian emphasized the reality of this pollutant in her report:

Home, sweet home: how to combat the 'indoor pollution' of scented candles

With the dark, cold nights here for a while, there is no better time to light up those scented candles you were given at Christmas. But is it without risk? What chemicals are used to fragrance products we use, and what happens to them once released into the air inside our homes?

Only a few studies have been done to answer that question, yet there is an increasing evidence of "indoor pollution". Could our air-tight, insulated, ultra-clean homes actually be harming our health? And it's not only scented candles that we need to consider - in the UK, we are keen users of air fresheners, plug-ins, wipes and everyday cleaning products. Read full article...

Scented candles and other home cleaning materials are some of the most common sources of air pollutants as stated by most experts. However, they are very useful in our home, which we might not choose to dispose of them. If you are not keen in looking for any alternatives, you might want to check some ways on how to reduce air pollutants inside your home. In the following article of WebMsD, it highlighted some ways on how to improve the quality of air inside your property for you to be able to breathe easy:

Breathe Easy: 5 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Keep a healthy level of humidity. Dust mites and mold love moisture. Keeping humidity around 30%-50% helps keep them and other allergens under control. A dehumidifier (and air conditioner during summer months) helps reduce moisture in indoor air and effectively controls allergens.

 Make your home a no-smoking zone. "Probably the single most important aspect of indoor air pollution is second hand cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Read original article...

There are so many ways to maintain or even reduce air pollutant inside your home, in fact adding some indoor plants will help in sucking up harmful substances present in the air. Aside from adding up some indoor plants, proper ventilation may also work.

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