
Easy Home Cleaning Tips that Leaves Your Home Dust-Free

Keeping one's home clean and clutter-free can sometimes be strenuous and time consuming. There are however several home cleaning hacks that can make one's life easier. 


Make sure to clean out the vents. Using a rag and a knife with a few spoonful of 409 cleaner will most definitely leave your air vents clean and dust free.


It is important to sanitize the areas where you prepare your meals, and the ones that you would usually spend your time on. The kitchen needs to be sanitized every so often as germs from poultry and other uncooked food would usually come crawling in. As per Woman's Day website, always being on the right side of the stove when cleaning your kitchen, then move clockwise. As of the website the stove is one of the dirtiest kitchen appliances as it is filled with oil most of the time. Next is the area where in you would usually prepare the meals, so keeping the counter germ free is a must as well.

The sink needs to be sanitized as well. Clean it with a simple dish washing soap, then add in some bleach and let it stay for a few minutes. Make sure to use a different sponge in cleaning the sink as the germs would usually stick to the sponge. You would want to avoid transferring the germs gathered from the sink into your kitchen utensils by using the same sponge.

Top to Bottom

This technique is often stressed out on most cleaning tips as this is the right way to clean your house. as per Merry Maids, cleaning from top to bottom keeps the dust and other debris from circulating. Start with dusting the upper part of your home, then move forward with wiping and eventually sweeping and mopping the floor.

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