Green Living: Great Uses for Coffee Grounds at Home

Coffee grounds are the remains of your favorite cup of Joe every morning. While you may think that these coffee grounds have already served their purpose of satisfying your caffeine fix for the day, these grounds actually do more than just that. Listed below are some of the amazing uses for coffee grounds at home.

The average American consumes about 2.1 coffee drinks per day based on Zagat's findings on the National Coffee Trends for 2015. According to the study, more and more consumers are choosing to buy coffee outside their homes, which is 8 percent higher than 2014's findings.

For those who opt to brew a hot cup of coffee within the comforts of their own home, however, they will be pleased to know that their coffee grounds can be used for other and greater purposes.

About Home provided a list of uses for coffee grounds at home. According to the outlet, coffee grounds are commonly used to deodorize the entire home.

The grounds used as a deodorizer can be prepared by drying them and putting them in a sachet with a filter, cotton or paper towel. Additional scented oils can then be added before placing them in areas where odors tend to come out.

Coffee grounds may also be used to deodorize your garbage disposals. Simply add a tablespoon of the grounds into the sink. Horizon Services, however, suggested on the cautious use of coffee grounds for disposals. The outlet suggested that grounds should not be used in areas wherein they can accumulate in drains and pipes, which can eventually lead to clogging.

Coffee grounds are also good for fertilizing certain plants. According to the aforementioned publication, coffee grounds can be added to the soil for acid-loving plants like Japanese Iris, Roses, Gardenias and Azaleas.

In case you wish to ward off bugs at home, but you are wary of using chemical sprays at home, coffee grounds also help keep unwanted pests off by sprinkling them around the house.

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