"Galavant" the surprise hit television show of the year is coming back for a second season in 2016 and if the newly released promo video is any indication, it looks like fans are in for another great ride and more delightful musical scenes.
"Galavant" is set to return next year for its second season and its first promotional TV ad will be featured in the American Music Awards. According to Entertainment Weekly, the new season of the year's most unlikely hit TV show will start with Galavant (Joshua Sasse) teaming up with King Richard (Timothy Omundson) when they find out that Madelana has more sinister motives in life than she is letting on. The new pals will go on new adventures in the high seas that will be portrayed mostly by dance and musical numbers all throughout. The video also shows Galavant in fighting form as well as getting slapped a hundred times.
In the final episode of season one, Galavant shared a kiss with Isabella (Karen David) and he cannot get that out of his mind. The next season will be about trying to get that spark back between him and Isabella.
Meanwhile, in a post by Bustle, "Galavant" fans want to see more from the musical comedy and the video primer for season two showed that somewhere in the season schedule the protagonist and his new friend King Richard will be facing pirates. They will not be alone as they head out to their sailing adventures. They will be joined by a group of troublemakers who looked like a lot of fun in the trailer video. The first season of the show was all about Galavant and the King getting booted out of the kingdom and the new season will be all about them trying to redeem themselves and go back home.