
7 Christmas Home Decor Ideas

46 days to go before Christmas and what better ways to plan out that celebration than to start now! This is always the season for glam and glitter! Large metallic balls in silver, magenta, green, and gold and the vibrant sparkling christmas lights is what will make us busy in designing our houses. Let's start the countdown by this checklist...seven tips by Southern Living for decorating your home Christmas ready.

1. Cheery Welcome

Let's start with making the feel of Christmas in our front doors. A tip given by Southern Living is to "line up paper luminaries" in your walkways and try to fill them up with gravel or sand to keep them in their position.

2. Make that mailbox tune in the Season

Make that mailman smile by adding some rbbons, pines, and some other Christmas ornaments in those mailbox. Create a lovely ornamental piece on your mail stand and put in a red ribbon to enhance the design.

3. Display those Colorful Lanterns

What's the best way to add warmth in your by displaying your lovely collection of lanterns. Put in some white candles and light them up! These lanterns will also be a lovely entry door design and centerpiece, just keep track of the lighted candles.

4. Bring out Those Classic Ornaments

This is the time to flaunt those wonderful collection of metal balls from way, way back. Although recycled every year and may be old,"vintage," these colorful glass ornaments will be a great display in our trees.

5. Take time to Make a Beautiful Centerpiece

Fresh flowers, metallic wares and even twigs and garlands make a captivating centerpiece. Take time to figure out what colors will go well with your dining table. Hinder not on being creative on this!

6.  Re-create a Holiday Napkin Ring

You've already done a nice adorable Holiday centerpiece, why not try making a napkin ring to match that. A simple ribbon, son pines, and pinecones will do the great napkin ring.

7. Turn Pendant Lights into Christmas Tree Inspired

Get some pine trees and cover up those pendant lights in downward by using a thin wire. Make those lights also an array ready for the season.

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