Last Saturday, Oct. 24, Jimmy Fallon received the Elmer Award for Excellence in Humor in Harvard University, but not without creating a commotion. Entertainment Weekly reported that the "Tonight Show" host tripped and fell during the celebration, resulting to a quick trip to the emergency room.
Thankfully, it was only a minor accident, and the host was able to return to the event and continue with the celebration. However, Fallon did not get off without a scratch, as he was pictured sporting a bandage on his right hand.
At the time of his fall, Fallon was seen holding a bottle of Jaegermeister. While some gossip sites speculate that the host/comedian was drunk, a source told People that it was all an honest accident.
"It was all part of the celebration in the street and some random girl kneeled down in front of him abruptly as he was turning around and he tripped over her because he didn't see her," the witness said.
Just four months ago, Fallon nearly lost one of his fingers on his left hand following another tumble. The host had to cancel some of his shows following the accident and when he returned to television, his left ring finger was heavily bandaged for months. He defined his injury as "ring avulsion," and jokingly warned fans not to search it on Google, as photos can be quite disturbing.
Yesterday, Fallon posted a picture on Instagram that showed his right hand's index and middle fingers were indeed injured.
A photo posted by Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon) on Oct 25, 2015 at 11:24am PDT
"Nothing that a few band aids couldn't fix," Fallon shrugged at the incident.
He also posted a picture of the medal that he received from Harvard, thanking the prestigious university for the award. Fallon joins the elite group of comedians who were previously recipients of the Elmer Award for Excellence in Humor, including Jay Leno and Robin Williams.
Thank you, @harvardlampoon. A photo posted by Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon) on Oct 25, 2015 at 6:04am PDT