
5 Compelling Reasons You Should Be Renovating NOW

Just last year, $130 billion were spent for remodeling and renovation projects in America. This trend is apparently driven by NAHB's Remodeling Market Index survey which yielded a result explaining the reason for such event: a desire for better/newer amenities.

Here are 5 compelling reasons why you should be renovating now according to Realty Times:

Because you're selling your home now

A renovated home has a strong selling value in the market, but you don't need to spend all your money improving a home that you won't be living in for a long time. You can use Remodeling magazine's cost vs. value report to choose the best home projects that promise a good return of investment.

Because you're selling your home some time in the future

Of course you want to make the most of the home improvement that you spent some chunky amount on. But that doesn't change the possibility of putting your house on the market, and that home renovation will put you in a good position.

Because money is cheap

If you are thinking about doing a home renovation but not liking the idea of getting money out of your pocket, you can go for a home equity loan or line of credit. Check out The Simple Dollar for the best options if you are looking at going down that road.

Because if you don't do it now, you'll have to do it later

"If you ignore your home, (it's) like ignoring your health," said Case Design. "You'll pay for it down the road in both appearance and in deferred repairs that are now more costly because they've been ignored."

Because little things can make a big difference

Give your home and updated look without tearing down a wall or completely taking down your old cabinets. You might be surprised with the difference that painting your cabinets anew and putting up a backsplash can do to your outdated kitchen. All you need is to put your DIY game on and patience to achieve great results without breaking the bank.

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