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3 Reasons Why Some Homeowners are Selling and Moving Every 5 to 7 Years

A certain trend which involves people selling their residential properties and transferring somewhere else every 5 to 7 years is becoming noticeable nowadays. For some people who value permanent ownership over momentary ones, this move might sound unreasonable, especially for those people who are likely inclined with sentimental values. However, for you not to misjudge this type of action made by your neighbor, here below are some of the reasons why a noticeable number of homeowners are selling their houses and likewise moving someplace else every 5 to 7 years.

Upgrade Purposes

As people tend to be successful in their career, some would also aspire for a change of lifestyle and properties, which would include a house that is equipped with modern amenities. For they tend to believe that as they grow professionally, their house or even their neighborhood should likewise represent a change of their designation.

Occupational Purposes

Now almost everywhere, new job posts and descriptions are coming in and out, and people would tend to seek for a place that would suffice their need for work. And for those already having a stable job, a promotion needing for physical transfer might likewise be the reason for the said move. They are just sometimes forced to buy a new house in the city they are moving in, thus logically leading to the selling of the old one.

Too much repair

There would come a time in life that a person would think that the purchasing of the current property was a mistake perhaps due to repairs and rectifications that needed to be done. As we all know a rehab is accompanied by stress from a personal and financial point of view. That is why some would rather choose selling their old house and moving somewhere else.

There are many other reasons which may not convince you as an observer, but have profoundly convinced some homeowners to sell their house and move somewhere else. How about you, what reasons would propel you to sell your house and move someplace else? Feel free to share and comment below.

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