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Top Feng Shui Tips for Attracting Romance and Money Into Your Home

Most people nowadays want to enhance their lives with the help of Feng Shui experts. It is said tha through Feng Shui, people can enjoy positive outcome in their lives, specifically in terms money and relationship. Feng Shui is an art of deification of ancient Chinese and also of balancing elements and energies at home or any space.

According to HGTV, the design of your home can affect your love life and money. You can apply certain Feng Shui principles when designing or arranging your home furniture to help attract money and romance. Here are some of them:

To attract money, you need to keep your kitchen organized and neat. Your refrigerator should have plenty of fresh foods like fruits and vegetables.

Paint your walls with the colors red, purple and green.  Every color has its influential control over each individual's moods.

Keep your front entrance welcoming, as it will help in opening up money opportunities for you. Adding more plants to the garden or around the home and putting a fountain can also enhance prosperity, as it reportedly represents money.

Adding things that make you happy in your bedroom is also another way to bring positive energy in your home, which leads to prosperity.

Feng Shui-tips.org also says that the two essential corners in your home that attract luck in love are South West and North West. Enhancing the South West Corner in your home can be done by placing a red and yellow lamp, which will result in a healthy relationship with your partner.

It is also important to balance the decorations, colors and stuff in your bedroom to enhance the energy in the room. This also ensures that no disharmony with your partner will occur. 

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