
Handling a Difficult Landlord and Still Keeping a Good Attitude

Having a good neighborhood, facilities and even co-tenants are not the only things that you should consider once you'll be seeking a place to stay. There are houses and apartments that offer most of the things you wanted, but less of the things you need. In choosing one, you would have to put into consideration the attitude of your soon to be landlord over his tenants. If by chance you missed this tip and wasn't able to realize that your landlord definitely has an attitude, there's no need to panic. For outlined below are some of the tips that would help you deal with overbearing landlord and still keeping that good attitude of yours.  

Be Good and Do Good

First way of dealing with a difficult landlord, you need to set things right. You yourself must see to it that the attitude of your landlord is not a mere reflection of your attitude towards him or with the other tenants in the building. This would also mean that you should see to it that you are paying your rent on time. Some of your requests might be delayed for some solutions because your rental payments are likewise delayed. And this should give you some idea on how to properly manage yourself and your responsibilities so that your landlord himself would likewise do the same. Before signing any lease agreement you should scrutinize what are the do's and don'ts in the premises so as to avoid unnecessary skirmish with your landlord in the future.

Communicate Clearly

There are sometime that landlords become difficult to handle because of poor communication. If you have something that needs to be done, especially urgent matters concerning you living environment, feel free to share it with you landlord immediately. In doing so, unnecessary confrontations can be avoided once things get worse. It's better to fix small issues while it's still not complicated.

Talk With Others

If you are having problem with a difficult landlord, perhaps you are not the only person having a difficulty with your landlord. Other tenants might also be thinking the same thing, so better talk to them. The purpose of discussion is not to badmouth and plot a devious revenge against the landlord, but to make some action plans on how changes can be made. As a group your voices would be heard by your landlord and this might stir something good in his head.

There are many ways on how to deal with a difficult landlord. How do you think you would be handling your landlord? Feel free to share and comment below.

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