Tech giant Apple has announced an operating system for its smartwatch, the Apple Watch OS 2. The Watch OS 2 is said to be a new update for the Apple's two-month-old wearable.
It was said that it will introduce new features and other third-party complication. The company says that third-party complications are important notification features for third-party apps such as Facebook Messenger, CNN app and more, a report from iDigital Times said on Friday.
"Third party complications are essentially notifications for third party apps, meaning Facebook Messenger, news apps such as CNN or even the Maps app will be able to update the Apple Watch natively. The public transit update to the Maps app may be the most exciting feature of the new update for Apple Watch wearers in public transit centric cities such as New York or Chicago, allowing the map to be used via their wrist," the report said, describing the features of the Apple Watch OS 2.
Apple Watch OS 2 also includes "Time Travel," in which "the digital crown can be turned to see events or scheduled reminders that is going to happen in the future.
Additionally, the Apple Watch will now be able to be put into Nightstand mode, which means it can be used as a digital clock and alarm.
New time-lapse watch faces were also announced, featuring cities such as Hong Kong, London, Mack Lake, Paris, New York and Shanghai. The city backgrounds will change depending on the time of day, in sync to the Apple Watch wearer's own time.
Apple claims that users can obtain pieces of information like Weather or the World Clock right on the watch face via Complications. It was said that data from various apps in App Store can work as complications too. For instance, a user can easily check flight schedules or monitor home devices such as cameras, lights, sensors, thermostat via Insteon and more features that can be customized using Apple Watch.
During Wednesday's Apple September event, the company has showcased interesting apps considered for the Apple Watch like Facebook Messenger. Users can now reply in Facebook Messenger natively within the Apple Watch interface. Next is the GoPro, which will allow oweners to use the Apple Watch as a wireless viewfinder for their cameras. Other apps include iTranslate, AirStrip, Sense4Baby and more.