Jon Stewart and Wife to turn NJ Farm into Animal Sanctuary

The departing host of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart, and his wife Tracey, have recently announced that they bought a New Jersey farm which they intend to make into a sanctuary for rescued animals.

The couple has been an advocate of animal rights for many years already. Stewart has even used his influential position in several occasions, to help in educating people on the awful condition of farm animals. Among his most memorable episodes in the Show was his eight-minute segment with Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey last February, where he skewered the official over his veto on a popular ban of gestation crate.

Another notable portion was his recent interview with Farm Sanctuary founder Gene Bauer. The Stewart couple have maintained a good relationship with this American animal protection organization. In appreciation of what the Stewarts have been doing for the welfare of animals through these years, a pair of newly adopted sheep were named after the couple. Both the human John and Tracey will be honoured this October in an event at Farm Sanctuary. The group's spokesperson, Meredith Turner, said, "We are ecstatic that there are people in the world like Jon and Tracey who care about the plight of factory farmed animals, and we encourage others to join them in support of Farm Sanctuary's efforts to rescue, provide shelter and advocacy for these beautiful individuals."

For her part, Tracey has a book entitled "Do unto Animals: A Friendly Guide to How Animals Live, and How We Can Make Their Lives Better," and some of the proceeds of it will go to Farm Sanctuary.

The Stewart children have likewise been brought up as animal lovers. A visit to an animal shelter as a reward for completing their homework is a norm in the Stewart home. Tracey explained that raising their kids to be compassionate and respectful to animals is a part of their effort to ensure that the future generations of animals will have the protection they deserve.

The Stewarts have a menagerie of animals that include two fish, a parrot, three rabbits, two guinea pigs, two pigs, two horses, four dogs, who were all rescued, except for the offsprings.

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