7 SnappyTips To Apply For That Beautiful, Peaceful Retreat

There is nothing like coming home to a beautiful and relaxing place of retreat after a long and tiring day. But how can you achieve that perfect zen zone?

Here is a breakdown of the ingredients for a beautiful and peaceful retreat according to Apartment Therapy:

Great Bedding

"I just want to lay in bed all day," but you might have second thoughts if you have a stiff mattress and ugly linens. Your bed is the biggest and most important feature of your room, so don't scrimp on this. Get one with lush bedding, fluffy pillows, and high-quality linens that your skin will always long to touch - it has to be the kind that you just can't wait to sink into.

A bedside table

But when we say "table" we also mean a chest of drawers, a small stool, an old wine crate, or even a stack of books. Any bedroom has to have that spot by the bed where you can rest a cup of tea or your current reading material.

A calm color scheme

If you find pink calm, then have at it - calm varies differently among people. But to be safe, and for longevity's sake, go for neutral bedrooms like white, pale grey, or even a dark charcoal color.

Considered lighting

Go for a soothing lighting in the bedroom, and preferably, dimmable. Make sure you have enough lighting for reading and tasks. There are a lot of different lighting features such as hanging pendants, wall-mounted sconces, or simple table lamps. If there are two of you sharing the bed, make sure that each one gets a light source; but you can be creative and get two different ones instead of matching.

A lack of tech

There are already a lot of claims with how much beneficial it is to keep technology out of the bedroom - from health to overall wellness reasons. But for some who live in an apartment which makes this impossible, you can still try to avoid gadgets by reading books instead of watching TV before sleeping, or using a good old alarm clock instead of your iPhone.

Darkness (when you need it)

One way to achieve a restful sleep is by keeping the lights out. Keep your place of retreat free from any stream of light by using blackout blinds or heavy curtains.

No clutter

Clutter is a constant battle, but there sure are ways to combat it. If there is one place in your house that is clear of debris and with empty space to rest your eye - it should be the bedroom. Try to keep stuff in the room at a minimum; even the displays and accessories should be right to just enhance the look of the room and not cause eyesore.

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