5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Buy Anything New For Your Space

Finding the right things for your home can be a bit of a rush. You do the search for so long that when you finally find them, everything immediately becomes a blur - your skin is tingly, and you hear angels sing.

But wait! The excitement and frustration could add up and that might make you make the wrong decisions. So before you buy anything for your new space, Apartment Therapy suggests that you make sure to ask yourself these 5 questions:

Will it fit?

Of course you have good taste, but just because that couch is pulling you in and it's the perfect color for your living room, that you need to get it - you first need to consider if you can even get it in the door. You wouldn't want to pay for something and have it delivered to your house only to discover that it's too long for the wall where it is supposed to go.

Does it work with the other things I own?

You are so eager to have the same shuffle table that your best friend has in her place. But, you realize that it doesn't match with anything that you own and you don't exactly know which corner to put it. When choosing a new furniture or accessory for your home, always consider if it would fit or blend in your current décor.

Can I afford it?

Having an amazingly design home is useless if you have used up all your money and you have nothing left to pay for electricity or bring food to the table (well, it's an exaggeration, but you get the point). Some people have really personal taste and they want everything to be perfect, but it's also important to be realistic.

Am I paying long term money for a short term buy?

You just don't have to consider if it would fit with your current décor, you would also like to think if it's a good fit to your long term range plan for your home. There are things that are beautiful and classic that are worth investing in - go ahead, indulge! But you have to watch out for things that might only be nice for a certain period or would easily get "corny".

Why am I really buying this?

Know your purpose for buying things - are you shopping like there's no tomorrow because you feel like it could satisfy some areas of your life, or you just truly want to improve your home?

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