Interior Decoration 101: Snappy Tricks To Stylishly Hide Ugly Things At Home

Is your space looking great except for that ugly AC unit on the wall that's drawing so much attention? Awaken your inner interior designer and turn those household eyesores into design brilliance.

Here are some smart and snappy ways by Apartment Therapy to cover those trouble spots so you never have to hurt your eye again:

A/C Wall Unit

Hide that old and ugly A/C wall unit by installing a small and simple cabinet around it. IKEA has some cheap DIY cabinets you can use for this.

Nonfunctional fireplaces

You've had that broken fireplace for quite some time now and the inside is already a crumbling mess. If you do not plan on having it fixed any time soon, you can get a decorative screen that you can use to cover it so you don't have that sad, useless, big opening in a room just collecting dust.

Awful carpet

Is your carpet floor covered in stains yet you don't have the budget to get a new one? Minimize the awfulness of the sight by covering it with an area rug. Choose a nice design that fits the aesthetic of your home so you don't only deal with the stains, you only enhance the feel and style of your space.

Acoustic ceiling tiles

Is your ceiling a wide boring space of acoustic tiles? Give it some edge by replacing them with a patterned version. You can choose to change everything or you can leave some of the old tiles on the edges for that added design touch.

Laundry appliances and supplies

Keep the washer, dryer, or even plastic hampers and bottles of detergent out of sight by hanging curtains or fabric panels to hide them. Just choose a fabric that blends well with the room so it doesn't look out of place or like an afterthought.

Baby gates

You want to keep the little ones safe, that's the priority. But if your baby proofing is causing an eyesore, you can actually do something about it by replacing the plastic or wood version that you are using with a minimalist modern one made of plexiglass. It's stylish but at the same time also keeps the little kids safe.

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