The Return of the King: PC Games Gains Massive Advantage Against Console Games in Terms of Sales

The recently concluded E3 conference has made a bold statement regarding the return of PC gaming, reported by Maximum PC. Although it might seem that the strongest sales generator would be Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox, the numbers are saying that PC games are about to take over, again. The sales generated by PC games look promising and it is projected that by the end of 2016, it will reach a whopping $29 billion - a billion ahead of gaming console sales.

PC games dominated the world in the late 80's, majority of the 1990s, and early of 2000s. It started to crumble down when game consoles were introduced - the PlayStation and Xbox series.

However, the biggest question hanging in the balance is what made it happen for PC games again?

CNet has several factors that seemed feasible why PC games have again claimed what once his. First, Steam. If a game is released, three out of four are offered in PC and are sold through a website called Steam. Steam is half social media and half online store. Developed by game maker Valve, Steam is like the App Store for Apple but is older by a decade than the App Store.

Steam gained massive popularity because of its feature which synchronizes game files from PC to PC on top of discounts and huge slashoffs on bundle sales. Steam also allow game developers to have their games accessible to anyone within the network to get feedback and inputs for games being developed.

Coming next is E-sports, a competitive gaming platform that serves as an arena for trained professional gamers. DOTA 2 and League of Legends are widely popular e-sports that have given out millions of dollars for prizes.

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