Flesh-eating and limb-running zombies have caused Rick Grimes and the rest of the group to run for the rest of their lives for the past five seasons of The Walking Dead, but this season's going to be different. Looks like the living gang has found a new home in Alexandria, reports Screen Rant. The new location is going to play a big part in the upcoming new season, and two more characters are going to add more spice to the new revelation.
According to Design and Trend, the hit series is looking for two actors in their mid-20s to 30 to play as married couple Kirk and Hilda. Casting calls posted by the Spoiling Dead Fans revealed that Kirk is described as a 'blue collar everyman from a small town, who worked a job, was married, and followed a golden rule.' Hilda, meanwhile, is depicted as the 'attractive, strong, and not passive' wife of Kirk.
Although additional characters are rumored to be added, as predicted, some characters are not going to make it to the next season. Rumors also say that Daryl Dixon may have to fly. The star has recently listed his home in Atlanta for $585,000, according to Hollywood Take. And Atlanta is where TWD is shot. Fans express dismay at the rumored flight of Norman Reedus's character from the series.
The AMC's hit series, inspired by Robert Kirkman's comic book, is also predicted to have a crossover to a new spinoff called 'Fear the Walking Dead.' While 'Fear The Walking Dead' is only around the corner, speculations arise that the characters from the The Walking Dead Season 6 won't be able to cross the other side. The two series have different locations, according to Hollywood Take. The Walking Dead is set on the southeast, while the new spinoff 'Fear the Walking Dead' is located at Los Angeles. The latter focuses on couple Travis and Madison, two characters who strive to start a family before the zombie apocalypse, Hollywood Take reports.
Thirsty fans are sure going to be quenched with the nonstop action of the upcoming Season 6 of the much-anticipated series The Walking Dead.