'Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice' Trailer & Release Date: New Costume Details Leaked, See Heroes Attire Here [Rumors]

A source has leaked new images showing the Batwing, Batsuits along with a look at Wonder Woman in a cape.

According to online publication IB Times, Umberto Gonzalez shared new "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" images via his Instagram page.

The well-known Hollywood scooper offered new photos, which follow the recently released first official teaser for the highly-anticipated movie. Since its release two weeks ago, the footage has been viewed nearly 35 million times over Warner Bros. Pictures' YouTube account.

Batman's Character

While the source of the new look wasn't disclosed, in the exclusive image, Gonzalez gave a detailed look at the Batwing claimed to be from the upcoming DC movie. In the post, Umberto wrote: "RT! #EXCLUSIVE! #AskElMayimbe Your first detailed look at the #BATWING from#BatmanvSuperman! That's the logo from my new outlet watermaked on bottom right. For now we're just a symbol. "People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne. As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed; but as a symbol...as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting." #Batman #HH #dccu #dccomics #dc #dcmovie"

The quote posted was from the "Dark Knight" film series which started Christian Bale in the titular protagonist role. The trailer for the movie offered a brief glimpse of the Wing in action but it was more of a teaser as fans couldn't really study all its details.

In addition, another image by Umberto shows two Batsuits side by side. On the left, we see the typical Batsuit while the suit on the right is an armored version, which was also revealed in the trailer.

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman will be making her debut in the movie. The promo are uploaded by Gonzalez shows a fierce side of the "Fast and Furious" actress wielding a sword as she wears a cape.

The publication further noted that the image is a variation of the earlier promo art shared by director Zach Snyder over Twitter back in July.

As it stands, the exact nature of Wonder Woman within the film's plot hasn't been revealed.

The events of the upcoming film follow the events of the "Man of Steel" franchise and features a "war" of sorts, between Batman (Ben Affleck) and Superman (Henry Cavill). Other actors involved in the film include Gadot, Jason Momoa (Aquaman), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor) and Amy Adams (Lois Lane).

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" opens in theaters on March 25, 2016. The official teaser trailer for the film is found below:

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