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'Diablo 3' Expansion, Classes & Gameplay Update: Patch 2.2.0 Brings New Treasures & Adventure Mode!

Fans of the action role-playing video game, "Diablo 3" could finally get heir hands on new features to bring more excitement to the game. News came out that the "Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls" patch has gone live today to bring an upgraded gameplay experience.

According to IGN, the Patch 2.2.0 for the said video game has been made available to current generation consoles such as the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the PC.

A major highlight of the patch could be seen in the game's Adventure Mode. Not one but three new Treasure Goblins were added into the game for players to catch.

Players could now increase their blood shard cap. One would simply have to achieve a great score or personal best at the Solo Greater Rifts from the random dungeons in the Adventure Mode and it would automatically increase the cap. Each level finished would add 10 shards.

Aside from that, two new gems, two new potions, and armor sets were added into the game. These items are all accessible for the Barbarian, Wizard, and Demon Hunter classes.

Also, the gems and other items created in the game would "now be crafted at once."

Each of the six classes also received updates in both the active and passive skills, noted The changes were made to create "synergy with new Set and Legendary items or supporting revisions to existing Set items."

Meanwhile, VG 24/7 reported that potions in the video game were altered as well. There would be no more regular potions but every potion was upgraded to a Bottomless Health Potion that could heal a player up to 60 percent of its life at the maximum.

While the new patch changed many features in the game, it also touched on the interface of "Diablo 3." One of the new things brought by the update is the removal of seasonal items in a player's mailbox. Players would now have to confirm deletion before it gets removed for added security, in case it was pressed for removal as a mistake.

Gamers would need not worry about their last view in the video game as it would automatically be directed to the last view each time the screen opens. This follows even if the Social button shows the Friends List by default.

For more details of the improvements brought by the patch, visit

"Diablo 3" Patch 2.2.0 is available now for players in the United States and the rest of the Americas. It would hit Asia and Europe soon.

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