Many people have normalized working from home, with more and more companies encouraging their staff to work from home, unless on special occasions. Working from home has its benefits for both the employer and the employee. The employee gets to enjoy more flexible working hours and more time with his/her family, while the employer saves on expenses that come with having a 'full' office space. Many people have also chosen to venture into freelance work as it offers unrivalled flexibility.
With many people working from home, the demand for garden office buildings has been on the rise. This is because a garden office provides a quiet environment for you to get some work done, away from the family space. Here are some of the reasons you too should consider getting a garden office.
1. No Need To Commute
The average person spends at least 1.15 hours commuting to work every day. This is a whopping 10,600 hours spend in a car or train over the length of your career. A garden office eliminates the need to commute to work, hence more time on your hands.
2. It Saves You Money
Working from home helps cut down on unnecessary expenses, including the Starbucks coffee, lunch, and commuting costs.
3. Earns You More Time With Your Family
Most people have to leave early for work and come back home late in the evening or at night. Having a garden office, however, eliminates all the hours you'd spend in traffic every day. You can thus work your regular 9 -5 hours and still have enough time to spend with your family, especially your kids.
4. Ability To Customize
Workplace offices and cubicles can be somewhat 'blunt'. You, however, get to make your office more vibrant with just the right chair, desk, paint job, or even artwork on the wall. It also allows you to switch from one décor to another without having to seek approval from your boss.
5. A More Professional Look
A garden office offers are more professional environment to work in. This is unlike squeezing yourself in one corner of your living or bedroom.
6. Home/Work Divide
One of the most significant advantages of investing in a garden office is to separate your personal and professional life. It reduces the temptation to want to work from the home setup or even get too comfortable and not get some work done. The fact that you have to leave the house physically and work into the garden office is enough motivation to combat procrastination.
7. It's Eco-Friendly
A home garden office will help reduce your carbon footprint even further. Some of the best units come with proper insulation, making them energy efficient and quite comfortable. You will thus hardly notice an increase in home energy bills.
8. Flexible Working Hours
Working from home offers the flexibility you otherwise wouldn't get in a regular office setting. It means you'll get time to attend to other commitments, including childcare or overseeing a renovation project at the main house. You also get a chance to receive packages as they are delivered personally.
9. No Room For Office Politics
A garden office makes it easier to avoid office politics and distractions. You can thus concentrate on getting some work done rather than worry about the nosey supervisor. Working from home has made most employees more productive than before.
10. Boosts Your Property Value
In addition to getting a quiet and serene work environment, investing in a garden office can boost the value of your property by up to 7 per cent. This thus makes it a worthwhile investment in the long run. If you are convinced, buy a garden office shed here and enjoy the many benefits.