Whether you have a deeper appreciation of plants or not, we could not deny that they will always be a part of our lives. Since childhood, we see our mothers growing a couple of plants in the garden to decorate and help improve the quality of indoor air.
Nowadays, indoor and outdoor plants are a huge hit, especially when the coronavirus global pandemic forced most of us to stay home since last year. The pandemic unleashed our inner plant enthusiasts and turned our extra space into a mini garden, or should we say jungle?
But did you know that aside from improving air quality, reducing stress level, and other therapeutic benefits, plants can also play a huge role when it comes to putting up a property listing on the market?
Plants create a lively atmosphere inside the house, but when it comes to staging online listing photos, these lush greens could play a critical role in sending a message to potential buyers. According to real estate experts, plants' state conveys a statement on how a house has been treated.

Drooping Plants
According to Manhattan-based real estate agent Kristi Ambrosetti, having a dropping plant showcase on your online listing photo shows "sloppiness or lack of care in the home."
"If the seller can't take time to remove a drooping plant, have they taken the time to care for the not-so-obvious spots in the home?" the Sotheby's International Realty agent told Apartment Therapy.
Ambrosetti suggests that sellers should remove all saggy plants before taking photos for the listing, and most especially before conducting an open house.

High-Maintenance Plants
Meanwhile, displaying a high-maintenance plant may send an opposite message to potential buyers. It is a great idea to showcase a high-maintenance plant in your listing photos to show how much you care about things inside your humble abode.
"The fiddle leaf fig, although popular and quite beautiful, is temperamental about its living conditions," says Rachel Norkelun, a landscaper from Long Island, New York.
"I can see why, since its native environment is a literal rainforest," she added.
If you have one of these high-maintenance plants and have managed to keep them alive, it is better to showcase it on the online listing photo. You may also rearrange the plant placement to make it look more aesthetic.

Low Maintenance Plants
Norkelun also suggests using low-maintenance plants that could thrive in some spots at home. It will not only showcase the gorgeous spaces of the house but also highlight how you've managed to keep such living things alive and healthy, much like taking care of an entire property.
"Honestly, you cannot kill a pothos plant. It can go pretty long periods without water, can take a shady spot or full-sun, and my favorite part is that it's so easy to propagate," Norkelun explained.
Meanwhile, when it comes to decorating the plants, Ambrosetti suggests sticking to three plant decor pieces.
"You could vary size, height, and plant type in a coordinate cluster. More than this could feel overwhelming or even distracting," she added.