Imagine one day, you come home to your house and hear that there are people inside. When you try the door, your locks have been changed, and it appears as if there is a new group of people already living inside it.
This is actually a reality that many Spaniards live in fear of one-day encountering due to the issues and loopholes in the Spanish legal system. People are constantly reporting cases of illegal immigrants and vagabonds moving into their houses, completely unsolicited. However, due to real estate laws designed to protect honest and hardworking Spaniards from overlord-like landowners, it takes a long time for a tenant in Spain to be evicted.
This means that you may end up losing thousands of dollars in expenses and taxes, meanwhile, you are not even benefiting from the property and are just throwing money away. Commonly referred to as 'money pits', these traps are frustrating for everyone involved, aside from the okupa(s) (as these terrible people are being called).
Buying Property in Spain Today
Buying property in Spain has never been very easy, and with the added obstacle of okupas in Spain, prospective purchasers need to be made fully aware of the risks that come with the property in Spain that they are buying.
Stay alert for condominiums with most of their units empty, as these are hotspots for okupas, and thus should be avoided like the plague would be! Additionally, houses that are all alone, with no neighbors in sight, can often be easy targets for okupas. This means that avoiding purchasing property without reliable and trustworthy neighbors nearby is critical if you wish to avoid tangling with okupas and all the problems they bring with them.
Therefore, when okupas break inside an unsuspecting citizen's house, private property, or even investment property, there is a lot of hassle necessary in removing them. In this article, we will be going over 2 ways that you can remove okupas from your home, keeping in mind your safety and the security of your property, finances, and family.
Continue reading to learn more about how the courts can be a tool for you to use when approached properly, but also an enormous roadblock for those who error. Additionally, you will learn about other, more alternative ways of removing okupas from your home or property, such as contacting the police. There are indeed multiple ways to accomplish this, it just takes being informed to know how.
The Traditional Method of Court Eviction
Obviously, the public courts should expedite your case and quickly resolve your okupa issues, removing any and all unwelcome guests from your properties. Sadly, this is not the case in many parts of the country. Bogged down by procedure, and overwhelmed by the enormity of the task at hand, courts are often heavily backlogged, and okupas are typically fully aware of this. In fact, according to the Spanish General Council of Judiciary Powers, there were over 35,000 eviction cases last year alone. Consequently, you can end up having to wait weeks, or even months until the okupas are removed from your property legally.
Going the Alternative Route
If you wish to steer clear of the courts, governments, and police, there are many other ways that okupas can be evicted in Spain. For example, if you attempt to initiate contact with the okupa(s) currently living in your home or property, you may be able to reach an agreement. Obviously it depends on the language barriers and the willingness of the okupas to leave, but if you strive for a compromise, you may be able to bribe or trick them out of your home.
As a word of caution, however, okupas are typically the most desperate of people, and may actually be carrying weapons such as knives or guns. This means that you should always be aware of what you are doing and remain calm in situations that may put yourself or others in danger. Additionally, it is not required that you attempt to negotiate with the okupas who are stealing your home from you, and there are other ways of removing them that does not involve you risking your personal safety.
Another method that is quickly rising in popularity is hiring a group of tough men to go and 'speak' to the okupas in your home. There is an ever-growing number of these groups in Spain, and you can turn this to your advantage by hiring them to remove the okupas from your house or property.
Although they do not offer 100% success guarantees, these groups are fast, and this method certainly does help keep you and your family safe by not being involved. Choosing to pay these groups can definitely be unreliable, as they have no commitment other than their honor to actually removing the pesky okupas from your home.
Interested in Buying Risk-Free Real Estate in Spain?
If you are looking for a home, an investment property or other real estate in Spain, be sure to contact Virto Property. As an established company, Virto Property is a trusted name in the Spanish real estate market. Many times, buying properties for extremely low prices from banks and the government can leave you dealing with unwelcome guests- okupas! Working with Virto Property will allow you and your loved ones to rest assured that the property you are buying is not only safe and secure but also of high quality and exactly as expected when bought.
Virto Property is always on your side when it comes to real estate issues, and we will back you up if you ever need our support. Caring for our clients, and helping hardworking Spaniards to live the lives of their dreams, in the homes they dream of, is part of our mission. So, what could you possibly be waiting for? Contact Virto Property today, and start planning towards your next home, investment property or other types of real estate, with the knowledge that your security is our priority.