Preparation is key to acing your real estate license exam, especially if you have limited time. While it is easier said than done, being efficient with your studying could spell the difference between passing and failing. Here are some real estate exam study tips to help you make the most of your time.
Take advantage of real estate practice exams. Remember to treat them like the real thing, so you get to feel how the actual exams will be like. Mark any questions that you did not answer correctly and then go back and review that section.
Practice answering real estate math. Expect that your real estate exam will have math problems on it. While it can really be challenging, having that real estate math solving ability as one of your strengths can be really advantageous for your real estate career.
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Review your real estate vocabulary and terms. Real estate terms and vocabulary will be part of your daily life as a real estate agent and will definitely be on your real estate exam, so you must get familiar with them.
Ask help from a local broker or a real estate agent. It is never a bad idea to ask help from those who have been there. Since there are specific rules and regulations for every state or locality, these local agents and brokers might provide you with helpful insights into the particular areas that their real estate exam concentrated on.
Also, there are real estate flashcards that you can purchase online to help you improve your familiarity with various topics related to real estate. Here are some real estate exam flashcards suggestions that you may want to check out.
Real Estate Exam Flash Cards Second Edition by Jack P. Friedman, Ph.D.

This real estate license exam flashcards covers general concepts and terms in real estate, licensing, and financing with explanations located on the reverse side.
Each card measures 4.5 inches by 2.75 inches and has a punch hole in one corner so you can organize them using a key-ring-style cardholder. You can arrange them to suit your study style. You can also use them in tandem with Barron's Real Estate Licensing Exams.
Modern Real Estate Practice Flashcard Review by Dearborn

This 20th edition set contains over 700 real estate review definitions and terms. The flashcards are organized into 23 sets to follow the textbook version. Each flashcard measures four by 3.13 inches.
Real Estate Sales Test Practice Questions & Review

This flashcard set authored by Real Estate Sales Exam Flashcard Study System is divided into four sections:
Definitions, Ownership, and Restrictions
Property Valuation and Appraisal Process
Contracts, Client Relationships, and Requirements
Leases, Rent, and Property Management
This set is design using repetitive study methods to help you quickly digest information and solve Real Estate Sales exam questions.
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