More than just having a roof over your head, a home is a place to relax and unwind after a long day. However, relaxing and enjoying some quiet time at home can be challenging to do if the house produces just as much noise on the inside.
There are ways, however, to reduce the noise so you can enjoy some peace and quiet. To help you do this, here are some ways that you can make a soundproof home.
Plug the sound leaks in your home
Sound is a bit like water if you think about it. The only difference is that we can't see it even though it also comes in waves.
If your home is being flooded with multiple sound waves coming from external elements, you would need to plug those leaks that let the sound waves enter your home. An excellent way to do this is by using acoustic sealants.
These tend to do a great job of blocking sound waves from penetrating your home through sound leaks. You can apply it on door gaps, switch boxes, and window crevices that need some substantial sound prevention.
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Consider using sound-absorbing decor
Using decor that is capable of absorbing sound may be one of the easiest ways to reduce noise. Accessories like rugs, draperies, and carpet add a touch of design to any home. But if used in the right way, these can also prevent sound from crashing into your home.
If the noise comes from an apartment under your space, a good rug should help decrease it. Soundproof rug pads can be found everywhere on the internet. If it's coming from the outside, a few tasteful curtains should be able to block the sound from the windows. You can also check out dedicated sound-blocking curtains to see if they work for you.
Put up a layer of drywall
Drywall isn't only great for dividing large spaces for a low cost. It can also help soundproof a room. If you need a particular room of the house noise-free, like say a home theatre, you can add an extra layer of drywall to prevent sound from crawling in.
You can also do this to other rooms in the house like the kid's room, the master's bedroom, or the guests' room to prevent disturbing your visitors. If you have a home office, you will most likely benefit from a double layer of drywall that prevents noises from ruining your conference calls.
Fix the Floors
You may not know this, but a squeaky floor can contribute a lot to the noise in your home. Although it is normal for wood to wear out after some time, it can become disturbing if your floors start to squeak.
By hiring a professional to do the repairs for you, you would only need to withstand the hammering noise for some time before the squeaking is finally gone.
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