The kitchen has always been thought of as a place that should be off-limits to children, for obvious reasons. But just because the kitchen is not an ideal place for children to be wandering around doesn't mean you would have to keep your kids out of the kitchen forever.
There are actually ways to keep your little ones safe, even if they're in the kitchen. All you need is a few modifications to your cooking space, and you should be good to go.
Put Some Safety Locks
Some of the most dangerous parts of the kitchen are the equipment that kids can easily open. These equipment include the oven, the dishwasher, the refrigerator, and the cabinets. When installed, the safety lock should prevent kids from opening these types of equipment.
Safety locks can vary depending on the design. There are latch types, while there are also ones that come with a handle. You can check out different safety locks to see which would be best for your home.
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Keep Knives In the Upper Cupboard
As little kids grow, they'll start to figure out how to open cabinets. At this rate, it may become harder to keep them safe from sharp objects like knives and peelers.
Keep knives in hard-to-reach areas like cabinets. But make sure they're securely placed and won't fall off in case of an accident. Also, keep knife blocks far back on the counter so that your children won't be able to see or reach them.
Don't Put Cleaning Supplies Under The Sink
If your kids like to play around and crawl under small-spaced areas, they'll most likely find the cleaning supplies if it's kept under the sink. Cleaning supplies can be toxic and can harm even a child's skin when in contact. They are best kept in higher cabinets that are locked and secured.
Don't Put Medicine in Low Cabinets
A child's curiosity can expose them to very dangerous situations. If you like to put medicine and other prescription drugs in low, easy to reach cabinets, it could become your child's next snack. Make sure to keep medication in high places that are out of your kid's reach.
Keep Power Plugs Out Of Reach
When children see a dangling rope-like object like a microwave oven power cord, the first thing that will come to mind is to pull and play with it. If the child pulls at it, they may end up being hit with the microwave on the head.
What's worse is that if it's hot, or if the cord is connected to a heavier appliance, the result may be life-threatening for your child.
Keep Power Sockets Occupied
If there are power sockets near the floor or anywhere reachable by a child, make use of plug socket covers. You can choose a socket cover that you just add on top of the outlet. But remember to choose ones that are big enough so as not to be a choking hazard.
There are also sliding covers or self-closing types, which automatically close when something gets unplugged from the socket. Another option is the box outlet covers, which allows the outlet to be in use while being covered at the same time.
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