Virginia Beach sees more than its fair share of year-round precipitation. With that inconsistent weather comes a serious risk for foundation issues.
It's not always easy to understand why your foundation may be leaking. Unfortunately, if you let a leak go for too long, it'll only get worse. If you have a home in northern Virginia that you plan on selling, then the clock is ticking.
Before you can return the home to good condition (and improve its property value), you have to find that leak. So, how can you identify a foundation leak, and what signs should you look out for?
What to Look for When Your Foundation's Leaking
It's not always easy to tell when your foundation is leaking, especially when the leak is still small. If you think you may have a leak on your hands, keep an eye out for the following signs inside your home:
● Sticking windows or stuck doors
● Bowing walls
● Uneven floors
● Gaps between the walls and the floor
● Extensive water damage
The outside of your home will also exhibit signs of a leak, so look for:
● Horizontal foundation cracks
● Vertical wall cracks
● A cracked chimney
● Evidence of a sinking foundation
If you're not able to spot any of these signs yourself, but you still suspect that your foundation may be leaking, don't hesitate to get in touch with a professional. Your foundation may be settling naturally or may be leaking - and only a professional will be able to tell the difference.
What Causes Foundation Damage?
Foundation damage can be the result of a single event or several small, unrelated events. More often than not, damage caused by forces outside of your home or by faults in your foundation will beget interior damage. With that in mind, you'll be able to attribute most of your flood damage to:
● Interior basement or plumbing leaks
● Extensive tree root growth
● Poor or insufficient drainage
● Shifting soil
● House settling
● Poorly planned construction
That said, natural disasters and inclement weather can also cause your foundation to fracture. Excess flooding, drought, earthquakes, and frost heave can all result in cracks and leaks.
Fixing Your Foundation Leak
It's not worth it to let a small leak go untreated. If you notice the signs of a leak in your home, you'll need to reach out to a professional. Not only will untreated foundation problems reduce your home's resale value by 10 to 30 percent, but you risk losing $100,000 in overall value.
Fixing your foundation isn't as expensive as you might think. Take a look at the price breakdown for some of the simplest solutions:
● Piering and/or underpinning: $1,000 to $3,000
● Leveling and slabjacking: $500 to $1,300
● Sealing and/or subfloor drainage: $2,000 to $6,000
Can You Sell a Home With a Leaking Foundation?
That said, it's not impossible to sell a home that has foundation problems or has had foundation problems in the past. Before you put your home on the market, you'll need to disclose that the home has had problems before or repair your foundation in full. If you choose to sell your home as-is, you risk losing up to 30 percent on your initial asking price.
Don't Delay!
Leaks don't go away if you ignore them. If you wait to fix a leak, you risk your home developing significant structural problems. By identifying and fixing them right away, you ensure that your home's property value increases or remains secure, and that your family (and the families to come) can enjoy a safe, clean, healthy home.