Thinking about adding a security system to your home? You'll not only be investing in the safety of your family and your property, but you'll also be increasing the value of your home and helping to lower the crime rate in your neighborhood.
But choosing the right security camera system can be challenging. With so many options to choose from, there are a few important things you'll want to know to help you narrow your options. Keep reading to learn more.
Start by Identifying Your Concerns
Before you can start searching for the right security system for your family, it's important to consider what exactly your security concerns are. Was there a recent break-in in your neighborhood that has you worried about intruders? Are package thieves nabbing neighbors Amazon deliveries or have you already been the victim of a porch thief? Or maybe there hasn't been an incident, and you just want to keep an eye on your home and your family.
Identifying your safety concerns will help you choose a security system that best suits your needs. For instance, preventing home break-ins is best done with alarms on windows and doors, as well as security cameras. Preventing thefts on your front porch requires a security camera that's high enough quality to catch whoever it is that's nabbing packages.
Opt for Smart Motion Activation
Running a wireless security camera system has one drawback; you're relying on batteries to power your cameras. If your cameras are running around the clock, you'll constantly have to replace those batteries. That's where smart motion activation comes in. A security system equipped with technology that can detect people, cars, and other movements will conserve power without risking missing the moment when something goes wrong.
Pick Your Camera Quality
Grainy images from a security system won't do you much good when it comes to seeing who is approaching your front door or trying to track down who stole packages off your front porch. That's why it's so important to make sure that you are picking a camera quality that will help you get the view you're hoping for.
For the ultimate in camera quality, opt for a security system with 4K Ultra HD recording capabilities. That way you'll never have to worry about trying to decipher a grainy picture when it matters the most. While many homeowners worry only about the night vision quality of their chosen system, day-time images are just as important. In fact, around 28 percent of burglaries occurring during the middle of the day while someone is home.
Decide Whether You Want to Connect to Your Smarthome
There is an endless number of smart home devices on the market today that promise to streamline our lives and make everyday tasks easier than ever before. If you have your own growing smart home, you probably think about how each new piece of technology might integrate. From ovens and refrigerators to televisions, many homeowners now demand smart home integration with each new appliance and device.
But what about your security system? While most modern systems now allow you to monitor your cameras remotely with a tablet or smartphone, smart home integration is different. With a smart home-compatible security system, you can monitor your cameras with just a few words. For instance, if your family is watching a movie together and the doorbell rings, you can ask your smart TV to display a view of your front porch so you know who's there without going to the door.
Choosing the Right Security System for Your Home
Choosing the right security system for your home doesn't have to be challenging. With these simple tips, you can consider your family's needs and your home's demands and choose the perfect system for you.